• 🐡monkeymind
  • Why postpone future?

    Get things


    even with a monkeymind!

    Don't jump between browser tabs. Monkeymind keeps your workflow in a single page by bringing your goals, actions and tools together

    It is not a bug, it's a feature!

    We all have a monkey mind wandering around time to time, because our brain is not an algorithm.

    In fact, a monkey mind is what makes you creative,critical and fun!

    Just learn to how to get along with it :)

    Minimize context switch

    Don't jump between browser tabs. Monkeymind keeps your workflow on a single page by bringing your goals, actions, and tools together.

    • ⚑

      Reach your goals by dividing them into small chunks of actions

    • 🧠

      Don`t juggle, stay focused on a single action at a time

    • πŸ“Œ

      Bookmark videos or articles on the web by binding them into your action context

    Use sessions to manage time and track your accumulated progress

    Pomodoros, apples, or bananas, choose your optimal time window to complete actions and visualize your progress.

    • πŸ…

      Do streaks of pomodoros or flowtime sessions, it`s up to you!

    • 🌞

      Visualise daytime and find out your most productive times

    • πŸͺœ

      Slow or fast, just journal your progress and visualize the outputs

    Let the tech serve for you, not the other way around

    Use AI to maximise your learning, take notes and track outputs of your actions

    • πŸ€–

      Use AI to leverage your learning and time management

    • ✍️

      Create content easily by using your notes, session outputs and AI conversations

    • 🧰

      Minimize context-switch by accessing your information resources on the same page



    Attention Is The New Currency


    Attention is a central concept in cognitive psychology and neuroscience.


    What's attention anyways


    Attention is our ability to focus on a particular task or thought amid the countless things happening around us.


    Stolen Focus


    Johann Hari's book is a bit of an eye-opener and can be a game-changer for anyone feeling like their brain is constantly in a state of tab-switching. The central theme of "Stolen Focus" is that our ability to focus is being undermined by a variety of factors largely out of our individual control. Hari argues that this isn’t just a personal problem but a societal one that needs broader solutions beyond the typical "just unplug" advice.

    Built by


    with 🐡🧠
